Headache and Auto Injury

If you have headache after a car accident, don't despair. Oregon Medical Centers sees this type of condition frequently in our Aloha office. What causes headache after a car crash? How can chiropractic help?

There are many different types of headache. Headache that's triggered by an auto injury, though, usually starts as tension or strain in the muscles of the cervical spine. In a crash, the neck muscles can be torn, which causes swelling and soreness. These kinds of headache can be felt in different places, including the back of the head or even the temple.

Another frequent cause of headache after a crash that we see in our Aloha office is cervicogenic headache, or headaches that start in injured ligaments of the neck. Ligament injury is very common after a crash, and it's important to get therapy for this type of problem to avoid the creation of scar tissue.

Chiropractic is an excellent way to treat headaches, including those brought about by auto injuries. Your chiropractic doctor will help reduce the inflammation and tension in your neck, which will help relieve the headache pain.

Oregon Medical Centers is here in Aloha to help you recover from headache. We've been helping patients since 1990 and we can probably help you, too. First, we'll do a careful evaluation to establish the root cause of your pain, and then decide how to restore your body's natural functioning. Give our office a call today at (503) 642-2845 to make an appointment.


September 17, 2015
Doctor Sunita Bhasin, Aloha & Salem, OR

Dr. Sunita Bhasin, D.C.

Dr. Bhasin grew up in Southern California and did her undergraduate work in pre-med at California State University Northridge, as well as Humboldt State University in California. Dr. Bhasin attended the University of Western States in Portland Oregon where she earned her Doctor of Chiropractic Degree. Dr. Bhasin has passed her National boards and her State Boards. Dr. Bhasin loves helping people and finds great joy helping injured people get out of pain and get their life back again. She has helped thousands of patients.