How to Stop Low Ball Offers

Sign Up for Our Free Live Streaming Video Series On

“How to Stop Low Ball Offers and Win Policy Limit Awards for Your Soft Tissue Spinal Injury Claim!”

(Brought to You by Your Local Car Injury Doctors Network!)

Topics Include the Top 7 Personal Injury Award Categories

1. The Top 5 Injury Financial Drivers and the Necessary Documentation to Fulfill Each Category!

2. The 4 Categories of Documentation Necessary to Defend Against the Preexisting Injury Argument!

3. How to Use the 14 Injury Magnifiers to Defend Against the Low Property Damage Argument!

4. How to Use the Financial Claims Worksheet to Convert the Doctors Documentation into 4 Distinct Injury Awards!

5. The Doctors Documentation Necessary to Demand and Win a Policy Limit Award!

6. How to Use the 12 Documentation Categories of the Doctors Narrative Report to Support Your Demand Letter!

7. The 25 Categories of a Successful Doctors Deposition or Trial testimony!

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Results Using Our Car Injury Doctors Network Documentation System!

1. Dr. Kevin in Kansas documentation turned a low-ball offer of only $7K into a jury award of $350K!

2. Dr. Dave in New Jersey documentation turned a low-ball offer of only $15K into an injury award of $275K!

3. Dr. Joe in California documentation turned a low-ball offer of only $35K into an injury award of $2 million!

4. Dr. Paul in Kentucky documentation turned a no offer into a policy limit award of $110K jury verdict!

5. Dr. David in Virginia documentation turned a low-ball offer of only $10K into a $75K judgement!

Your Local Car Injury Doctors Network

  • Undergraduate work in pre-med at California State University Northridge & Humboldt State University in California
  • Doctor of Chiropractic Degree at University of Western States in Portland, Oregon
  • Achieved and Succeeded National & State Boards
  • Enjoys helping injured people get out of pain and get their life back again

Brought to You by Your Local Car Injury Doctors Network!

Presented by Dr. Paul Hollern

Personal Injury Consultant
⦁ Speaker 3 Chiropractic Colleges
⦁ Never Lost a Patients Case in Court
⦁ Opened 77 Chiropractic Offices in 20 States
⦁ Largest Chiropractic Provider in the World
⦁ Donated Over $500K Chiropractic Profession
⦁ President’s Award Logan College Chiropractic
⦁ Only Chiropractor to Beat the US DOJ by Trial
⦁ Author 10 Books on Personal Injury and Chiropractic
⦁ Testimony Resulted in Largest Civil Verdict in County
⦁ Continuing Education Instructor for Doctors and Attorneys

dr hollern

Dr. Bhasin Contact Information

Company Name: Oregon Medical Centers
Dr. Name: Sunita Bhasin
Address: 2515 Liberty St NESalem, Oregon 97301
Phone: 503-390-1552